CvA Pop
In September 2003, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam launched a four-year bachelor’s degree programme in popular music that was developed by Jack Pisters.
Performance, production and coaching are the cornerstones of this diverse course of study at the higher professional education level (hbo), which thoroughly prepares the student for all facets of a career as an enterprising artist.
A large team of specialists active in the professional world are brought in to supplement the set core of CvA teachers. In this way, the programme corresponds directly to the professional world, reflecting the latest developments in popular music and education.
The pop music programme is intended for guitarists, bass players, keyboard players, drummers and singers and is closely linked to the professional practice. In addition to the development of intrumental and theoretical skills, subjects such as bandcoaching, music production, studio engineering, songwriting, education and business matters form an essential part of the study programme.